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Sunday, 28 July 2013

Survey reveals rise in recruiters’ earnings and job satisfaction - REC

Current News

Survey reveals rise in recruiters’ earnings and job satisfaction - REC

Released on 17 July 2013

Eight out of ten recruiters (81 percent) are satisfied in their job, according to the Salary and Benefits Survey 2013 published today by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC). This marks an increase in the proportion of recruiters saying that they are happy in their career compared to four years ago when only 72 percent reported being satisfied.
This could be explained by some of the other results from the survey, which reveals that recruiters’ basic salary has increased by 29 percent since 2009, that 42 percent of recruiters received a pay rise this year and nine out of ten have the opportunity to earn a bonus.
Key findings about recruiters’ salary and bonuses include:
• Consultants take home an average basic salary of £27,820, which rises to £38,885 after commission and bonuses.
• Managers’ average basic salary is £48,034, rising to £59,859 after commission and bonuses.
• One in four consultants and a third of managers receive a monthly bonus of between £2,000 and £5,000
Recruiters’ responses to questions about benefits and holiday entitlement reveal that:
• Team drinks and social functions (85 percent), training (73 percent) and mobile phones (62 percent) are the benefits recruiters most frequently reported as being on offer at work.
• Benefit packages have improved since 2009 with higher proportions of recruiters now entitled to pensions (56 percent), company cars (51 percent), health club membership (23 percent) and share option schemes (22 percent)
• Seven out of ten managers are entitled to 25 days or more of holiday each year whereas less than half (43 percent) of consultants are permitted to take that much paid leave..............