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Monday, 4 July 2016

How to stop anxiety attack symptoms

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I am a life-long sufferer of panic and anxiety and an effective part of my therapy is to help others . . . so here goes: Let’s look at the causes of these feelings then look at some of the things you can do about it.
Feeling anxious at this very moment? Here’s something you can do right now:
You can stop feeling anxious in about 19 seconds – nothing to study – nothing to buy, just something I want to share with you. It’s easy and it works pretty fast for me. You can read through the material on this site about how it works and why it is good for you, or just go straight to the free instructions.
So, how do you stop the symptoms?
  • There are natural ways to “break the cycle.  “One of the greatest things that can be shared with you is about breathing. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? You will find that throughout all the books, tapes, and research available on social anxiety disorders, that breathing is key to relaxation and control. Many who have learned how to breathe properly have stopped having panic attacks. Dr. Andrew Weil, a graduate of Harvard Medical School, said “If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.  “There are simple breathing techniques that can eliminate those feelings of dread and prevent an attack – yes, you can learn how to breathe panic attack symptoms away!
    • You may benefit from one of the therapies available – many at low or no cost to you. Your employer may even have free counseling and consultation available that I discuss in detail on the workplace page.
    • You may want to take medication to “break the cycle.” There are many effective medications on the market you can get from your doctor.
    • There are simple breathing techniques that can eliminate those feelings of dread and prevent an attack – yes, you can learn how to breathe panic attack symptoms away!
    • Many excellent books, tapes, and videos are available which are very effective. I can direct you to a couple of good videos you can watch on-line and recommend some books and tapes that have helped me a lot.
    • You may benefit from a support group – you may even want to start one in your area. I couldn’t find a support group and didn’t want to drive an hour to the nearest one, so I started one right in my neighborhood . . . more on that later.
    Most people experience stress and anxiety to some degree. Stress and anxiety are natural defense mechanisms, but they can get out of hand. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is much more than the normal anxiety people experience day to day. It’s chronic and fills one’s day with exaggerated worry and tension, even though there is little or nothing to provoke it. People with panic disorder have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. Those of us who are anxious know these feelings all too well. What we are experiencing is part of an overall social disorder that effects an estimated 20 million people in this country – that’s one out of every 14 people in the United States! (Some even estimate it at one in seven people.) The disorder includes phobias, post-traumatic stress syndrome, hypertension, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors. It may make you afraid to leave the house – I know, because that has happened to me. You will find lots of information about anxiety and panic and some practical ways to deal with them. I have included throughout some books, tapes, remedies, and products that have helped me and may help you. I only talk about what works for me and what I know has helped friends of mine. Attribution:This information has come from various sources – when I read an article or learn a technique, I will share it here. There is some great literature available that I will discuss throughout the pages here – most of which is available either at the public library or on-line. Some of the literature is available in bookstores, either locally or on-line. I use a running Bibliography, so you will find footnotes or hypertext links where I use direct quotes. Clinical articles I have found helpful are given with directions to their source (e.g. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, etc.)Jump to these pages of interest:

    Panic Attack Symptoms
    What are the symptoms of an attack of panic?
    Cause of Panic Attacks
    What is the cause of panic attack?
    Anxiety and Panic Attack
    How are anxiety and panic attack different?
    Treatment for Panic Attack
    Where to find panic attack treatment
    Breathing – the Proper Technique
    Breathing techniques and exercises
    A personal timer that reminds you to breathe
    Medication that’s available
    Where to find medication for panic attack sufferers.
    Support Group Information
    How a Support Group can help you.
    Coping Skills
    Coping with Anxiety day-to-day
    Articles of Interest
    Articles that will interest you
    Quotes from the Rich and Famous
    Books That Belong in Your Library
    Books, Tapes, and other helpful materials.
    My Advertising Policy
    Rules we follow with advertising and editorial content
    I am not a doctor!
    Useful Links to Organizations and Research
    Links to resource sites
    FAQ page for questions and answers
    Contact Us
    Methods of contacting us
    I have listed some things throughout these pages that I have personal knowledge of – they either worked well for me or one of my friends. Think of these things as having been “field tested” by my friends and me. Please tell me if you would like to see different information on a particular topic or if I need to include something new on this site. This is a labor of love and is constantly changing, so I welcome your input and your help. Something that has helped me personally is sharing information with other sufferers, so please contribute your ideas on how we can deal with anxiety attack symptoms.


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