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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Do you feel anxious and on edge?

o you feel anxious and on edge? Do you shy away from meeting new people? Are these feelings of avoidance causing you to hide from the world? You're not alone. Over 40 million Americans report feelings of anxiety; that's over 18% of the adult population.
However, recent studies have reached some surprising conclusions about what causes anxiety in the first place.
Previously, there had been a great debate over nature vs. nurture. Is it the bills piling up and the overbearing boss, or are you just a naturally "high-strung" person? Everyone is born with a natural hard-wired response to stress and anxiety. But like any other mechanism, it has its flaws. If one moving part goes wrong, the entire system can spin out of control.
In prehistoric times, we needed this heightened level of awareness and caution with danger lurking around every corner. But in modern times, this same survival mechanism that is meant to protect you can make you feel nervous and anxious for no reason. How many times have you said to yourself, "There is nothing to be nervous about," but the anxiety is still there and you can't help feeling this way?
New England researchers agree that it is not your fault. These researchers have pinpointed the cause of anxiety to a shortage of GABA and serotonin compounds in your body. GABA and serotonin are nature's natural anxiety and stress relievers.
But there is an even greater problem. So many of these 40 million Americans who are plagued by anxiety turn to prescription medication. They are trying to solve a natural problem with chemicals.
This new research says that you don't have to change your body's chemistry and open yourself up to harmful side effects or even addiction. You can treat this problem in an easy and inexpensive way that does not involve uncomfortable doctor visits or awkward therapy sessions.
Over the last 18 months, researchers in an FDA-certified laboratory in New York have been perfecting how the three safest and most potent herbs to fight anxiety can be combined into one natural compound.
It's called A2X, and here's how it works.
Three natural herbs in the A2X formula work together to aid your body's natural defense against anxiety. Ashwagandha, L-Theanine and Passion Flower have been clinically proven to boost GABA and serotonin levels in the human body. The result? You're more relaxed. Worries don't seem as big. Anxiety disappears. And over time, A2X helps to calm your body's natural response to anxiety so you can feel like yourself again.
Studies have shown that these natural ingredients can stimulate the production of GABA and serotonin in your body so worry goes away and you feel calm and anxiety-free. And best of all was A2X's safety rating. There were no reported side effects.
A2X is not available in stores. But they are offering a limited number of samples to the public.
How good is prescription medication if the side effects are worse than your original problem? A2X was created to be not only effective but also safe for long-term use with no side effects. A2X is made in a GMP-certified, FDA-approved laboratory in New York to ensure the highest standards of safety.
The entire A2X compound fits into two pills with low-dosage, high-efficiency ingredients for immediate relief. Taken daily, your body will safely absorb A2X's natural ingredients and help you feel calm and relaxed each and every day.

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