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Monday, 14 July 2014

Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is evidence based short-term psychological treatment.
It is a way of helping people solve problems and improve the way we think and feel.
Cognitive Behavioural therapy is based on 2 principles:
  1. Our thoughts and beliefs are connected to our behaviours, moods and physical experiences and to the events in our lives.
  2. The perception of an event affects our emotional, behavioural and physiological
    responses to that event.
CBT also concentrates on ideas that are unrealistic as these often undermine our self confidence and make us feel depressed and anxious. CBT looks at how problems from the past are maintained in the “here and now”. It helps people to learn new methods of coping and problem solving which can be used for the rest of their lives.
therapy diagram
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is evidence based which means that it has been clinically proven to work. Research has shown CBT to be highly effective and is the treatment of choice for a number of mental health issues as indicated in the government backed NICE clinical guidelines.
Research demonstrates that only pure CBT is effective, CBT blended into other therapy modalities (I.e. counselling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy) is not proven. Our London CBT therapists only provide pure formulation driven CBT.

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