Stressful times call for positive thinking. Maintaining a positive
attitude can mean the difference between triumphing over difficult
circumstances and succumbing to them.
The benefits of positive thinking are well known and worth considering.
However, it’s not always easy to stay positive when when fear and
uncertainty enter our lives.
Maintaining a positive outlook will help you survive hard times if and when they happen.
1. Knowing Yourself
Knowing yourself is the first step toward maintaining a positive
attitude. Are you thinking positively? Or has your thinking become
negative? Are you wishing you could maintain a more positive attitude?
Are your thoughts harmonious? Or are you always in the middle of uproar
and drama?
Perhaps it’s time to stop and take a personal inventory. Peace on a personal level is possible, but it must be cultivated.
2. The Law of Attraction
A powerful universal law operates anywhere and everywhere on this planet. It is called the Law of Attraction, and it means this:
Whatever you concentrate on, pay attention to, focus on or dwell on is
drawn to you, for better or worse. If you spend your time thinking on
negative or fearful things, your problems will enlarge. On the other
hand, if your thoughts are positive, hopeful and constructive, you will
draw positive things into your experience.
How much control do you have over this phenomenon? A lot! One key to
maintaining a positive attitude is to concentrate on being positive.
3. Positive Self-Talk
The best place to start is with yourself. Try as best you can to follow these principal guidelines:
-Be conscious of how you refer to yourself and your life. Substitute positive statements for doubtful or negative ones.
-Affirm your worthiness with positive statements, such as, “I am
healthy, I am strong, I am able to do everything I set my mind to.
Abundance and contentment are mine.â€
-Whenever a thought rises up that seems negative, substitute it with a peaceful, loving one.
With practice, you will feel your life changing. You’ll gradually
recognize yourself as a vital part of God’s plan, a worthy person able
to do and be far beyond what you’ve ever dreamed.
4. Positive Associations
One of the most important factors in maintaining a positive attitude is
associating with positive people. Who do you hang out with? As you
become increasingly able to maintain a positive attitude and thoughts,
you may find yourself gravitating toward more positive people and
avoiding folks who complain, blame and dramatize. This is a good sign!
5. How to Let Grace and Abundance Flow Through You
Your natural state as a human being is one of peace and grace, but the world has imposed its busyness and troubles on us all.
Relax and take frequent breaks throughout the day to concentrate on your
breathing, read inspirational writings, or just count your blessings.
Realize that peace and abundance are all around you. Open your heart to receive it. Your days will start to go better.
6. Some Techniques to Correcting Course Mid-Stream
Maintaining a positive attitude is easier said than done- at least at
first. It gets easier in time, and until it does, you will find negative
thoughts, fears, resentments and momentary confusion popping up to
invade your mind space.
Catch these thoughts mid-stream. Honor them as being mistaken, and let
them go. Resume a neutral or positive frame of mind. The following
techniques may help, but keep in mind that they take practice. The part
of you that is habitually negative, angry, discouraged will resist these
techniques at first. Do them anyway!
1. Focus on Your Breath
Conscious breathing brings you in tune and plugged into the present.
Fear and negative thought cannot exist in the now. Breath in and out
rhythmically, focusing on the rise and fall of your diaphragm. With
practice, this can be a powerful tool for resuming and holding yourself
in a positive, peaceful state.
2. Focus on the Word Love
Negativity flees when Love is on the scene. Breathing in love and
breathing out love will keep you focused and centered. If you find
yourself slipping into negativity, just return to Love.
3. Meditate for Several Short Periods Each Day
Sit or lie quietly, eyes closed with hands folded or held comfortably at
your sides. Let all tension go and just “be†where you are. If
thoughts creep in, let them go and resume an attitude of peace and
quiet. You may enjoy using a guided meditation tape when you’re
learning. In time you will look forward to these quiet times and miss
them when they are skipped.
7. The Benefits of Maintaining a Positive Attitude
What can maintaining a positive attitude do for you? Let us have a look:
First of all, the Law of Attraction will begin working for you in a more
positive way. You will attract more positive people, events and
situations in your life.
Second, you will be more relaxed and operate from the peace within. Your
response to life will come from a saner and less stressfull place, with
better outcomes. Your health will likely reflect your positive mental
outlook. People will ask you if you’re doing something different, and
you’ll be able to say, “Yes!â€.
Lastly, your heart will open toward others with compassion and
understanding. People will be attracted to you for the wisdom and
comfort they sense in your presence. You’ll find yourself being more
willing to do the right thing, say the right thing, at the right time.
8. Keeping a Positive Attitude Leads to a Positive Future
Cultivating positive thought patterns takes practice, but you’ve got
lots of time, and life gives you lots of opportunities to see things in a
better light. If you make a decision deep in your heart to think more
positively, practice the techniques outlined above about how to maintain
a positive attitude, and study the teachings of those who taught peace
and harmony as a way of life, you will eventually find yourself walking
in peace the better part of each day. There is no better way to live.
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