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Monday, 8 June 2015

Get Motivated to Work Through Depression

When you’re feeling depressed, people around you may not completely understand what you’re going through. One of the common misconceptions is that depression is simply a lack of motivation, says Simon Casey, PhD, author of Secrets to Emotional Wealth and founder and CEO of Emotional Mastery International.
“Unfortunately, many people believe that people who are depressed lack motivation, and they assume that’s the cause of their depression,” says Casey. “They also believe that the depressed person needs to just ‘snap out of it.’ In reality, motivation requires desire and positive, creative energy. Depressed people often lack those two key requirements. Trying to motivate a depressed person by encouraging them to go out, get active, and have fun often fails.”
How to Get Motivated During a Depressive Episode
Having trouble getting motivated is actually a depression symptom all on its own, adds Gabriela Cora, MD, managing partner of the Florida Neuroscience Center and a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology. So it’s not surprising that you may have trouble figuring out what motivates you during a depressive episode.
“When someone has depression, it’s about more than just finding motivation,” explains Dr. Cora. “Usually, the person needs professional help and medication to get to the bottom of their illness. It’s not as simple as just finding a hobby that they can be passionate about.”
Finding the Motivation to Get Back on Track
Getting motivated when you’re going through a depressive episode can be challenging, but there are guidelines you can follow to help transition out of your depression, says Cora. Here are some suggestions that may help:
  • Get out of bed. Just getting out of bed is a good first step. When the depressive episode is really bad, sometimes motivation starts with recognizing even the smallest steps as mini victories. Simply get up, take a shower, get dressed, and view it as a positive first step toward your goal.
  • Get some exercise. Exercise is a proven mood booster, so once you get up and get out of bed, take the next step and make yourself exercise to further break out of that “no-motivation” mindset.
  • Break tasks and goals into small steps. Sometimes breaking down what you want to accomplish into smaller, more achievable goals will give you the motivation you need. “For example, a writer could just commit to doing a paragraph at a time, rather than an entire article,” suggests Cora. “By breaking it down this way, you feel like you are accomplishing something.”
  • Rely on your family. Most people with depression know their families love them and care for them, but during a depressive episode, it’s easy to lose sight of that fact. If you feel the urge to withdraw, resist it and reach out to your family for help. “A strong family unit is essential when it comes to dealing with a depressed person,” says Casey. “They will provide much-needed support as well as ‘tough love’ to encourage you to work through it in a safe environment.”
  • Build on any positive developments. Finding motivation during a depressive episode is undoubtedly tricky, but one strategy is to remain as optimistic and positive as possible. Look for subtle signs, such as colors looking brighter or music sounding better to you, says Cora. Then, push yourself further in that positive direction, and encourage friends and family members to help push you too. Gradually, you may begin to recapture your lost motivation.
Depression is a serious illness, and focusing on a goal, a hobby, or even a strong family unit to get you through it may not be enough. Treatment of depressive episodes frequently require medication and counseling from qualified mental health experts to help you rekindle the motivation you need to get back to a better quality of life.

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