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Tuesday 16 June 2015

UC Irvine researcher finds biological link between chronic pain, mental illness

It’s understandable that people who are in constant physical pain would experience a high level of stress and fatigue.

But a recent study by researchers at UC Irvine and UCLA shows chronic pain sufferers also are more vulnerable to mental and emotional illnesses such as anxiety and depression and that there’s a biological link between the mental and physical pain.

Catherine Cahill, an associate professor of anesthesiology and perioperative care at UCI, has been working with colleagues at the UCLA Brain Research Institute to study the relationship between chronic pain and mood disorders.

The result? They found that chronic pain causes inflammation in regions of the brain that deal with reward and motivation, causing patients to be more susceptible to mood disorders.

Chronic pain is defined as pain lasting for an extended period, usually more than 12 weeks, according to the National Institutes of Health. More than 100 million Americans are affected by chronic pain, according to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine.

Cahill and the research team studied brain inflammation in rodents and its effect on the neural system. Their paper, published June 3 in The Journal of Neuroscience, shows a link between brain inflammation caused by chronic pain and mood disorders.

“Many studies in depression literature show that one of the causes for the development of mood disorders is a disruption in the dopamine circuitry,” Cahill said, referring to the brain chemical associated with happiness and pleasure. “My study was on the link between the very, very high (co-existence) of anxiety and depression in those patients with chronic pain. This was really never shown before.”

According to the study, the brain inflammation caused by pain triggers the activation of cells called microglia, which hinder the release of dopamine.

Cahill noted that the study has potentially significant implications on how doctors might treat future patients experiencing mood disorders alongside chronic pain. Her research, she added, also sheds light on addiction, an illness that’s affected by the reward and motivation system of the brain.

Cahill said she hopes her research can eventually have clinical impact. She is planning to test an existing drug compound that could restore the flow of dopamine.

“This is a new strategy to try to restore the reward circuitry that has both implications on addiction-like disorders and mood disorders,” she said..

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